Love this new song from Bethel. Couldn't find any lyrics yet so I'll just leave this here just in case anyone is looking for it :) Be Blessed
Verse 1
He's coming on the clouds
Kings and kingdoms will bow down
Every chain will break
As broken hearts declare His praise
For who can stop the Lord Almighty
Verse 2
Open up the gates
Make way before the King of Kings
The God who comes to save
Is here to set the captives free
For who can stop the Lord Almighty
Our God is the Lion, the lion of Judah
He's roaring with power and fighting our battles
And every knee will bow before Him.
Our God is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world
His blood breaks the chains
And every knee will bow before the Lion and Lamb
Every knee will bow before Him.
Who can stop the Lord Almighty
Monday, July 27, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Thank You Lee Kuan Yew
Thank You Mr Lee Kuan Yew for your dedication and vision for fighting to transform Singapore from a fishing village to a developed metropolitan city. Your legacy and greatness will always stay and live in our hearts.
If one man can reform a nation, it's possible for us to reform a nation too #dreambig
If one man can reform a nation, it's possible for us to reform a nation too #dreambig
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Grace is...
Grace is not lowering the bar- its God's enabling power to help you live beyond bar - to thrive.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Word for today: Do not despise the days of small beginnings.
Another great word from Kris Vallotton, so enouraged!
Don't despise the day of small beginnings. For more than 5 years I preached in a convalescent home every Sunday morning. My congregation consisted of about 11 people; 8 of which had Alzheimer's. When I would a yell a powerful point, (I used to preach with drama), several of them would pee the floor and the nurse would wheel them out.
Bill Johnson taught me that if I prepared as if I was teaching 1000s, someday God would entrust 1000s to me. So I spent hours every week, reading, studying, and preparing my messages. As I prepared, I would envision myself in stadiums filled with hungry people, all listening to me preaching. Many times I would preach at the hospital with my eyes closed...I was preaching to a different reality.
I taught an average of 4 times a week for 17 years...almost all of my public ministry was to groups nobody wanted. Camp grounds, hospitals, home groups, children's church, 11 people I mentored every Sunday for 10 years, kids on probation, jails, prisons...anyone who would listen.
We started 9 businesses during that time, while raising a family of 4 kids. I also coached, basketball and soccer.
Busy? Yes! We didn't have time to watch TV or waste time. But we worked and played together as a family, with great passion.
Three of our four kids fell in love with ministering to people and made it their career.
Many people want more for their life, but they are unwilling to pour their lives into anything; unwilling to sacrifice. They have a lottery mentality; they keep playing the numbers believing that someday they are going hit the big one.
Hard work, persistence and passion, are quickly going out of vogue; viewed as anti-grace, dead works, and religion. It's just easier to promote yourself with a great website and large a blog, than it is to actually get in the trenches, and dirty your hands with the souls of men.
Crazy teaching comes from those who have never actually had to live out their teaching or make it work.
I am nobody special...but I am a man possessed with possibility. #kvm
Don't despise the day of small beginnings. For more than 5 years I preached in a convalescent home every Sunday morning. My congregation consisted of about 11 people; 8 of which had Alzheimer's. When I would a yell a powerful point, (I used to preach with drama), several of them would pee the floor and the nurse would wheel them out.
Bill Johnson taught me that if I prepared as if I was teaching 1000s, someday God would entrust 1000s to me. So I spent hours every week, reading, studying, and preparing my messages. As I prepared, I would envision myself in stadiums filled with hungry people, all listening to me preaching. Many times I would preach at the hospital with my eyes closed...I was preaching to a different reality.
I taught an average of 4 times a week for 17 years...almost all of my public ministry was to groups nobody wanted. Camp grounds, hospitals, home groups, children's church, 11 people I mentored every Sunday for 10 years, kids on probation, jails, prisons...anyone who would listen.
We started 9 businesses during that time, while raising a family of 4 kids. I also coached, basketball and soccer.
Busy? Yes! We didn't have time to watch TV or waste time. But we worked and played together as a family, with great passion.
Three of our four kids fell in love with ministering to people and made it their career.
Many people want more for their life, but they are unwilling to pour their lives into anything; unwilling to sacrifice. They have a lottery mentality; they keep playing the numbers believing that someday they are going hit the big one.
Hard work, persistence and passion, are quickly going out of vogue; viewed as anti-grace, dead works, and religion. It's just easier to promote yourself with a great website and large a blog, than it is to actually get in the trenches, and dirty your hands with the souls of men.
Crazy teaching comes from those who have never actually had to live out their teaching or make it work.
I am nobody special...but I am a man possessed with possibility. #kvm
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Success : what is it?
Most people define success as acquiring wealth and achieving goals, prestige, favour and power. "Successful" people enjoy the good life - being financially and emotionally secure, being surrounded by admirers, and enjoying the fruits of their labours. They are leaders, opinion makers, and trendsetters. Their example is emulated, their accomplishments are noticed. They know who they are and where they are going, and they stride confidently to meet their goals. By these standards, Jeremiah was a miserable failure. For 40 years he served as God's spokesmen to Judah; but when Jeremiah spoke, nobody listened. Consistently and passionately he urged them to act, but nobody moved. And he certainly did not attain material success. He was poor and underwent severe deprivation to deliver his prophecies. He was thrown into prison and into a cistern and he was taken to Egypt against his will. He was rejected by his neighbours, his family, his audience, false priest and prophets, and the kings. Through his life, Jeremiah stood alone, declaring God's messages of doom, announcing the new covenant, and weeping over the fate of this beloved country. In the eyes of the world, Jeremiah was not a success. But in God's eyes, Jeremiah was one of the most successful people in history. Success as measured by God, involves obedience and faithfulness. Regardless of opposition and personal cost. Jeremiah faithfully proclaimed the word of God. He was obedient to his calling. (Life application Bible)
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Don't be too hard on yourself when you fall
Lance Wallnau just posted this and I'm loving it! that's a good word right there. Hope this encourages you as it encourages me .
Open your Bible and start reading. Get about 3 chapters in and watch man mess up. From chapter three all the way through the rest of the Bible you've got God fixing the problem.
Open your Bible and start reading. Get about 3 chapters in and watch man mess up. From chapter three all the way through the rest of the Bible you've got God fixing the problem.
What does that mean? It means that you should not be hard on yourself when you mess up or disqualify yourself because you don't measure up. The Bible see's the world as it is.
"Therefore lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so EASILY entangles us,..." (Heb 12:1)
You get that? God knows how "easy" it is to run and slip. Get back up and keep running. Thats the second part of the verse.
You have two natures in you, and old man and a new man. BUT God does not see you as two, He sees you "in Christ."
This isn't a play on words. It's actually how God sees you. Its the lenses He wears. He sees you "in the beloved."
You see you as two people. Thats why you and I need to remember that...
He who died FOR you
also died AS YOU.
You see you as two people. Thats why you and I need to remember that...
He who died FOR you
also died AS YOU.
"You are dead and YOUR LIFE IS HID IN CHRIST!"
YOU got a NEW MAN in there who is made in the image of God. When that person comes out Heaven invades your environment and angels step back and serve.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The art of Prayer
I remember as a young Christian I was praying and asking God what was his will/calling for my life. I prayed for one month and heard nothing. One day I had enough and in desperation I cried out to God but God did not answer me... well not in the way I wanted anyway. Instead, he lead me to Matt 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. I had tears in my eye and the presence of God filled the room , the verse I had read turned into the Rhema word of God. I was not offended but actually encouraged because God actually spoke to me instead of staying silent, even though that was not the answer I was expecting. Through my years walking with God I realized one thing, God may not answer our prayers the way we want but He IS in the business of working behind the scenes to see our prayer come to pass.Your breakthrough maybe just a prayer away. Sometimes we pray and wonder if God has hears our prayer or if he even cares. We grow weary and give up, but I believe in the art of persistent prayer is to not give up. In this fast-paced world where we want everything fast and instant , (heck we can't even wait for the microwave to finish heating the food up!) we get discouraged real fast after our prayers do not get answered.
In her book, Mornings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still Small Voice of God , Jennifer LeClaire shared 4 prophetic words from God that I believe will inspire your daily life.
Taken from
1. I Love to Hear You Pray
I love to hear your voice in prayer every morning when you awake. It's one of My favorite parts of the day. When you awake and begin declaring your love for Us, it moves Our heart. When you inquire of Me, it is My pleasure to answer. When you speak to My heart, it is My joy to speak back to yours. I hear your voice even when the hectic pace of life makes it difficult for you to hear Mine. So keep lifting your voice to Father in prayer. Keep telling Me about your struggles, fears, dreams and victories. I'm listening.
2. Keep Crying Out
Sometimes when you stand up for what is right, people around you will call you a fanatic and say you are overreacting. But truth is truth, and you are called to proclaim it. Sometimes when you pursue Jesus with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength, people will say you are too fervent. But fire is fire. Remember blind Bartimaeus! He needed a touch from Jesus, so instead of remaining silent when the Messiah went by, he cried out to Him. The people around him told him to quiet his mouth, but he cried out all the more. Don't stop crying out for truth. Don't stop crying out for a touch from Jesus. Don't let anyone put out your fire. We love it!
3. You Can Tell Me Anything
You can trust Me. I am your Confidant. I am your Counselor. You can tell Me anything. Share your God-given dreams with Me, and I will help you bring them to pass. Share your fears with Me, and I will help you overcome them. Share your prayers with Me, and I will help you lift them to Father. You can trust Me. Seeing you walk in everything Jesus has for you—helping you reach your destiny in Christ—is part of My mission. I am on your side! I am for you, not against you.
4. I Can Do More Than You Can Imagine
Take the limits off. Do you realize that the power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you? Do you know that I am able to do more—much, much more—for you than you can ever imagine? Do you know that I want to? Will you believe in Me the way I believe in you? Take the limits off! Dream with Me! Let your eyes see, your ears hear and your heart dwell on what I have prepared for the one I love. Your best is yet to come. Only believe.
Sunday, February 08, 2015
Living on the Edge
We are living in a time where there seems to be a lot of teachings on how to make yourself happy, prosperity and how God will bless you so you can live your life comfortably.. Now I'm not against that because I do believe in giving and receiving, God blessing you and providing for our needs... I am however not into the teaching where you are to live comfortably. The apostles did not have a comfortable life when they followed Jesus, in fact they were ridiculed and persecuted for their beliefs. They could have gone back to being a doctor, fisherman, have a nice job and not follow Jesus but these guys chose to live life on the Edge just like the many great men in the bible did. They became revivalist and saw healings, miracles and numbers were added daily. They were persecuted, wrongly accused, martyred all for the sake of the gospel. They lived life on the Edge.
Here are 4 principles to live life on Edge.
1.) Preference of God
Here's a question what is your Isaac? Those that is most precious to you.
Sometimes it will cost you to follow the preference of God. John 4:34
When you hit God's preference you will be blessed, even though there are times we can't see what God is doing. It can be finding your life partner, a job or even starting a business or ministry.
I love how Bill Johnson put it this way. When God says 'no' it's because there's a bigger 'yes' to follow.
2.) Presence
That's how I got saved, all I knew was the presence of God that touched me in a church service my friend brought me too. It was there when I had an encounter with God and felt his liquid love over me convicting me of my sins and failures. That's why I can't live one day without His presence.
Get a sense of God on things when you want to do something, what is He saying, what is the Logos and Rhema word of God say? Do you feel peace or uneasiness when you want to make a decision? obey the preference and presence. I don't do anything if I don't sense the presence of God.
3.) The Promise of God
What had God said? Are we being faithful in what God has promised us?
Be faithful in the Kairos- Joseph had a promised but he had to wait and go through 13 years before he was suddenly promoted. How well do we steward the promise of God when we receive it?
4.) Embrace the process
Steward what God wants you to do. The process sometimes is not easy but when we get the right perspective and knowing who God is and His character it'll help us to direct our lives to success. Success is not necessarily what you see on the outside but the battles won in the secret where no one is watching.
This is a book that I've read that I found really helpful. Heidi Baker is one of the people that I look up to who is living life on the edge.
Here are 4 principles to live life on Edge.
1.) Preference of God
Here's a question what is your Isaac? Those that is most precious to you.
Sometimes it will cost you to follow the preference of God. John 4:34
When you hit God's preference you will be blessed, even though there are times we can't see what God is doing. It can be finding your life partner, a job or even starting a business or ministry.
I love how Bill Johnson put it this way. When God says 'no' it's because there's a bigger 'yes' to follow.
2.) Presence
That's how I got saved, all I knew was the presence of God that touched me in a church service my friend brought me too. It was there when I had an encounter with God and felt his liquid love over me convicting me of my sins and failures. That's why I can't live one day without His presence.
Get a sense of God on things when you want to do something, what is He saying, what is the Logos and Rhema word of God say? Do you feel peace or uneasiness when you want to make a decision? obey the preference and presence. I don't do anything if I don't sense the presence of God.
3.) The Promise of God
What had God said? Are we being faithful in what God has promised us?
Be faithful in the Kairos- Joseph had a promised but he had to wait and go through 13 years before he was suddenly promoted. How well do we steward the promise of God when we receive it?
4.) Embrace the process
Steward what God wants you to do. The process sometimes is not easy but when we get the right perspective and knowing who God is and His character it'll help us to direct our lives to success. Success is not necessarily what you see on the outside but the battles won in the secret where no one is watching.
This is a book that I've read that I found really helpful. Heidi Baker is one of the people that I look up to who is living life on the edge.
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Compelled by Love: How to Change the World Through the Simple Power of Love in Action By Heidi Baker In "Compelled by Love," Heidi Baker gives you a glimpse of total dependence and authentic Christian community by taking a fresh look at the Beatitudes. Throughout she shares many examples from her and her husband's ministry in the war-torn country of Mozambique. Time and again they have seen the miraculous power and provision of the Lord to the "poor in spirit," showing that the Kingdom of Heaven does belong to such as these. |
Wednesday, February 04, 2015
He restores my soul Psalm 23
So so good!!"He restores my soul" Ps 23. The wonderful news is, no matter how life has torn you down, there is a Good Shepherd who can rebuild and revive you! -Jeremy Riddle
Monday, February 02, 2015
Sunday Reflections and Thoughts
- God walks us through the trouble, sometimes God doesn't save us from the trouble but through the problem
- In the midst of storms don't ask why God instead what are you doing for me in the midst of all this
- Sometimes God puts us in the storm to be part of the solution.
- There is God's favour in the storm as Paul did in the shipwrecked and the snake attack in Acts 27-28. He turned the test into a testimony.
- God can turn a Mess into a Message, a test into Testimony, a trial into triumph and a victim into victory.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
The Word by Isaac Wimberley
I have been listening to this for awhile now and I love it when Isaac Wimberley came out to shared 'The Word' using his God given creative gifts. The word exemplifies the Christian Faith, as I listening to this it brought me to tears and stirred my longing for more of God. I actually stumbled on this when I was feeling down and deceided to listen to Kari Jobe's version of the Forever.
The Word" by Isaac Wimberley (6:40)
"If there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my brain has not yet reached the point where it could
form a thought that could adequately describe the greatness of my God,
and my lungs have not yet developed the ability to release a breath
with enough agility to breathe out the greatness of his love.
And my voice, you see,
my voice, is so inhibited, restrained by human limits
that it’s hard to even sing the praise of…
You see… if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
My God,
His grace is remarkable, mercies are enumerable,
strength is impenetrable,
He is honorable, accountable, favorable,
He is unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable yet approachable, indescribable yet personal,
He is beyond comprehension, further than imagination, constant through generations,
king of every nation.
But if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my words are few, and to try to capture the one true God,
using my vocabulary will never do,
but I use words as an expression,
an expression of worship to a savior,
a savior who is both worthy and deserving of my praise, so I use words.
My heart extols the Lord, blesses his name forever,
He has won my heart captured my mind and has bound them both together,
He has defeated me in my rebellion,
conquered me in my sin,
He has welcomed me into his presence,
completely invited me in.
He has made himself the object of my sight,
flooding me with mercies in the morning,
drowning me with grace in the night.
But if there are words for Him
then I don’t have them.
But what I do have is good news,
for my God knew that manmade words would never do,
for words are just tools that we use to point to the truth,
so He sent His son Jesus Christ as “The Word”, living proof,
He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation,
for by Him all things are created, giving nothingness formation,
and by His words he sustains, in the power of His name,
for He is before all things and over all things he reigns, holy is his name,
so praise him for his life…
The way he persevered in strife,
the humble son of God becoming the perfect sacrifice,
praise him for his death…
that He willingly stood in our place, that he lovingly endured the grave,
that he battled our enemy and on the third day rose in victory
He is everything that was promised,
praise Him as your risen king,
lift your voice and sing for one day he will return for us
and we will finally be united with our savior for eternity, eternity.
So it’s not just words that I proclaim,
for my words point to “The Word” and “The Word” has a name,
hope has a name,
joy has a name,
peace has a name,
love has a name
and that name is Jesus Christ."
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Holding on Through the Storm
What do you do when the storms in life come? In life we face storms... they are unexpected and out of our control. Being a Christian does not mean that life is a bed of roses or storm free. In fact Jesus told his disciples that they will face trials (John 16:33). HOWEVER, the trials are there to strengthen us, give us the courage to overcome. You see every disappointment is an opportunity for a miracle. Does storms drives us away from God or closer to God?
You may face storms in your life, it could be financial problems, marriage problems, no one understands you or even that little lie that says 'Give up, it will never work, nobody cares''. David in the bible returned home and found that his enemies destroyed and stole everything from him. His own men wanted to stone him. He had no one to turn to. Now imagine if you were in David's shoe what would you do? He could allow grief to conquer him and sink into depression, give up and quit. But no, he chose to encourage himself in the Lord and I believe it was in Psalm 34 that you see his response. One of the things I noticed in the Psalm is how David chose to praise God despite the circumstances. Praise is a weapon for warfare, Praise brings down what is high and make it small which causes us to overcome. Sometime it's hard to give Praise when life is hard but that is when it means the most. That's why the bible says to offer up a sacrifice of praise. It can be hard but in the end it's worth it, it's your energy, it's worth your time. Through praise, faith will arise and we will have the courage to overcome.
Terry Law in his book Power of Praise And worship wrote
God is not interested only in the praise that we give him in times when things are going well. He is after that praise that comes in the midst of great trial, great difficulty , grief, sickness, demonic oppression, temptation, relational difficulties, and financial problems. He still requires praise. When we give it to Him in time of difficulty it means all the more to Him. We are operating according to the principle of sacrifice.
1 Peter 4:12 (The Msg)Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.
So don't give up! You see God is not interested in the right circumstances but the right response, when you have the right response you are able to overcome the storms in life just as the great men of God like Job, Paul and David did.
You may face storms in your life, it could be financial problems, marriage problems, no one understands you or even that little lie that says 'Give up, it will never work, nobody cares''. David in the bible returned home and found that his enemies destroyed and stole everything from him. His own men wanted to stone him. He had no one to turn to. Now imagine if you were in David's shoe what would you do? He could allow grief to conquer him and sink into depression, give up and quit. But no, he chose to encourage himself in the Lord and I believe it was in Psalm 34 that you see his response. One of the things I noticed in the Psalm is how David chose to praise God despite the circumstances. Praise is a weapon for warfare, Praise brings down what is high and make it small which causes us to overcome. Sometime it's hard to give Praise when life is hard but that is when it means the most. That's why the bible says to offer up a sacrifice of praise. It can be hard but in the end it's worth it, it's your energy, it's worth your time. Through praise, faith will arise and we will have the courage to overcome.
Terry Law in his book Power of Praise And worship wrote
God is not interested only in the praise that we give him in times when things are going well. He is after that praise that comes in the midst of great trial, great difficulty , grief, sickness, demonic oppression, temptation, relational difficulties, and financial problems. He still requires praise. When we give it to Him in time of difficulty it means all the more to Him. We are operating according to the principle of sacrifice.
1 Peter 4:12 (The Msg)Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.
So don't give up! You see God is not interested in the right circumstances but the right response, when you have the right response you are able to overcome the storms in life just as the great men of God like Job, Paul and David did.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
We Will not Be Shaken
Can't wait for the new album by Bethel!! I had the chance to watch the whole session in and it's awesome!
We will not be shaken is about encouraging people to 'not be shaken' in times of trouble, but trust in God. Brian Johnson was given a prophetic word to sing the phrase We will not be shaken and it spontaneously came out during a worship session in church. We will not be shaken is now available in iTunes.
One of my favourite is No longer a Slave. Here is the lyrics for No Longer a Slave
We will not be shaken is about encouraging people to 'not be shaken' in times of trouble, but trust in God. Brian Johnson was given a prophetic word to sing the phrase We will not be shaken and it spontaneously came out during a worship session in church. We will not be shaken is now available in iTunes.
One of my favourite is No longer a Slave. Here is the lyrics for No Longer a Slave
Verse 1
You unravel me, with a
surround me with a song Of
deliverance, from my enemies
Till all
my fears are Gone
no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I am a child of God
From my Mothers womb
have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again,
into your family
into your family
blood flows through my veins
You split the sea, so
I could walk right through it
All my fears were drowned
in perfect love
You rescued me, so I
could stand and sing
I am
child God
Word For Today
Kris Valotton shared this during his communion message and it really spoke to me. Hope this inpires you too!
The only way you can lose is to stop trying! Sin can't defeat you, the grave can't hold you, death can't have you and the devil can't stop you. You are incredibly loved, unreasonibility powerful and unimaginably protected. Your past is forgivinen, your present is blessed and future is predestined for glory. The Lord loves you, the angels serve you, the devil fears you and creation awakens for you. You can do the impossible, dream the unreasonable and ask for the unimaginable. You are royalty....never...never...never give up!
The only way you can lose is to stop trying! Sin can't defeat you, the grave can't hold you, death can't have you and the devil can't stop you. You are incredibly loved, unreasonibility powerful and unimaginably protected. Your past is forgivinen, your present is blessed and future is predestined for glory. The Lord loves you, the angels serve you, the devil fears you and creation awakens for you. You can do the impossible, dream the unreasonable and ask for the unimaginable. You are royalty....never...never...never give up!
Friday, January 23, 2015
I have been on hiatus for so nearly 2 years now and I truly missed the time when I blogged and share my personal revelations from God. Keep this space posted, will be doing it more this year :)
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