Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2 (mini) miracles at work today!

It might seem little to you guys but this miracle is huge for me.

First miracle was before I started work. My boss called me to see if I can swap my shift on Saturday to Friday and that itself was a miracle because we have prayer meeting on Saturday (Never ever gonna miss that) and we have our Acts29 JG getaway which I really want to attend because we'll be talking and planning for our life group for the next 5 months and I wanted to be part of it. It has been in my heart to really want to go but I never did pray for it but my heart did desire for i. Praise God that He moved and turned the whole situation around so I could go for prayer meeting and our getaway!

Anyway... going back to work, it was the first time I really screwed up in my job. I had to do a valet park and this wasn't a car, it was a van and its really high because it has this bag holder thing on top of the van. I didn't notice it at first until I went to the second level and I started to hear scrapping noise. Got out of the car quickly and found out that I made a hole to the bag holder thing O_O Last I heard, a concierge at my workplace scrapped the paint of the side door of a car and the customer wasn't impressed.. I can imagine what I'll get for this. I was like omgoshhh what am I going to do... but then the Holy Spirit quickly reminded me that I always break down when bad situation comes and I'm not acting how a Christian should live. I then took a deep breath, said a short prayer and know that what done is done , I know the large hole won't miraculously fix itself so I just trusted God that His grace will be with me and I'll not get yelled at.

I quickly told the manager so she could take care of it, then went for a break (and so I can hide away, just in case) came back 30min later, my manager told me
'It was okay, everyone makes mistakes, we're all human :)
....and you're really lucky because the guest SPECIFICALLY told us not give you a hard time because everyone makes mistakes. The guest was pretty nice about it, you're very lucky because 9 out of 10 guest would get mad.' I'm like 'WOW!' Thank You GOD!!! How great and awesome is He?? Amazingly the guest is okay with it and that's all that matters. My manager understood the situation and she was pretty cool about it as well. I'm really thankful to have a good manager as well because usually when things go sour, most supervisors I work with will start to swear and go haywire lol. Actually I think my manager couldn't even believe the guest was okay with it especially when I heard this was the 3rd time this has happened.... I wanted to share that it was God's grace but I was abit emmm... not comfortable and abit scared at the mometn because its just my 2nd week, but I do hope that they can see that God's Favor is in me.

So yeah, in the end I don't have to pay the damages because luckily enough the hotel covers for all the damages.... phew.

Work has been good so far, got commented by my manager that I'm doing 'exceptionally well' and when I asked for any improvements she said 'nope, you're doing good, its a learning process where we learn as we do things and you handled all the pressures well, good job!'

Apologies if this post seems a bit messy, I just got back from work and I need to go sleep now because in 8 hours I'll be working again lol.

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