well this is an overdued post too... Me, Bryant, Leonard, Melvin and Azai went to ISB for a b.ball match turns out that last minute they canceled the match, sien =x anyway no match then we just played a friendly 3v3 game and then met up wif yenyin being our tourguide around ISB haha. anyway after basketball surely get hungry la so we went to Tak Kak Luk at teguh raya there eat LAKSA!!! <3 , i dont know but it isnt the best nor its bad, it has its own unique taste i guess so hey i recommend u go try their laksa there not bad. very nice. After laksa leh, we were sitill hungry and Jollybee was around the next block so we decided to go Jollybee makan. damn full damn nice the food haha. You know the Jollybee mascot that always hangs out outside (or inside) the restaurant? haha well me and my mates decided to do sumtin with Jollybee cos we love him/her so much! some jackass just torturin poor jollybee =(
Azai hated Jollybee so he kicked the poor fellas 'there' Leonard decided to give Jollybee a kiss. Bryants like 'LEONARD wat are u doin??'
Err lets just say I got a little intimate with Jollybee muakz. Holding hands somemore waseh
Melvin the gay also got into action ahhaa
But not like Bryant to the extreme la ..... R+ 18 =.=
B.ball match next week ISB ! come watch us sayur haha XD jk i neeed to train liao
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