Saturday, October 14, 2006

burnt pancakes

okok I finally blogged happy? lol. well i just submitted my assignment 2 days ago and I didn't get much sleep the night before as usual because I was trying to finish up my assginment. I was like half chattin half doing it..... thx to Banana, ling n leo hahaha. well other than that I have one assignment to go and exam is just around the corner.. next month.
Employment relations- i'm starting to get the hang of it, the workplace relation choices in OZ, human resource management blabla
Intro to research- i've done my first assignment and 2nd assignment is due next week i think, and im still lost, i dont even know what the heck the subject is all about and what have i learnt.
Accounting- Got 28/35 for my mid term exam.. YAY! ..........not. i started slackin off after the mid terms and now im all blank.. whats break even point? whats varaible costs, contribution margin etcetc * i hav no idea*
Food and beverage service- nothin much to complain except that im getin sick of working in the uni restaurant every thursday night haha.

so some of u must be going? huh?? wat are those subs? yeah those are the wonderful subject that I have to take for this course lol. Fun. and oh I was making pancakes for dinner and guess what? I didn't have a non-stick pan soooo I had to use the lousy pan. tats the only pan i have in my kitchen and this is wat my pancakes turned out. =( sad

Poor pancake, all torn-up = still yum yum though

My lousy frying pan... cant even make pancakes, it killed the pancakes

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