Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I had an exam today and just 10 minutes before the exam started my calculator fell on the floor and it BROKE! How unlucky can I get? Good thing my friend beside me lent me his calculator so I had to rush the questions before he could use it phew.

I'm having a headache now studying hard for my exam on Thursday morning..... I have exactly 24 hours to get this mid term done and its killing me. I only started my revision now........

wait I'm blogging =.= , okay im off studying now, Financial Control Woopeedoooo...........

In comparative horizontal analysis, the terms absolute and relative change are sometimes used, the absolute change shows the dollar change from one period to the next, a relative change is the absolute change expressed as a percentage. An absoulte change may apper large (e.g $10,000) but when compared to its based figure (e.g. 1,000,000) represents a relative change of only 1%

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