These past few days has been a rocky road for me, there's no landslide yet but I can feel it coming, my heart is overwhelmed and starting to feel discouraged (abit). My heart cries out and wonders what is happening? A new burden has risen, to see Men of God to rise up. Not a title of being a 'Man of God' but living that lifestyle where people can look up and say 'wow, his a role-model who inspires me, and I want to be like him' It's been too long now for the Men in church to be sleeping and not live by the calling God has for them. To be created for their original purpose which is to lead n' set a good example. To live the Prov 31:23 life where the women in the kingdom are looking for.
It even hit me when a brother is going through something and I don't even know what to say or what to do for him as I'm not so close, but my heart does feel for him to come back to Papa God. It really saddens me to see people not getting along with one another because of differences, it saddens me to see men liking to keep things for themselves thinking 'its all gonna be ok' but in reality there's a lion in the cage in their heart waiting to be unleashed. Its hard for us men to be transparent not just to our friends but even God??? really? What is happening?? (Don't get me wrong I was like that, a tough nut crack but God 'cracked' me) Its time to get out of the shell.
I'm not and expert at this but the burden for them has becoming stronger every day, and I know I have to make a stand and do something. I was also reminded about a vision someone had for me that they saw me Leading a group of men.... O'Lord help me, I need your strength and wisdom.
please send revival to our hearts,
please raise up a Generation of Men Like David who is after your heart
please raise up a Generation of Men Like Gideon who will be warriors
please raise up a Generation of Men Like Joseph who runs away from temptation and desires purity
please raise up a Generation of Men Like Daniel who have that culture of honor
please raise up a Joshua Generation that is able to lead the people.
More importantly one that models the Character of Jesus and shines forth His Glory.
I pray against the enemy that is putting the men to sleep
break the ego, break the pride, break the insecurities, break our heart
I pray that we will not be silent, its time to get out of our shell....
Give us courage, awaken our heart
Unite us that we may transform the world